Maak schoon als een professional en zorg dat je geld langer meegaat: verander een stuk zeep in 3 liter vloeibaar wasmiddel met dit eenvoudige recept..

3. Combine and dissolve
Once the water is boiling, slowly add the grated soap, stirring continuously. Keep stirring until all the soap shavings have dissolved completely. This might take several minutes, so be patient!
4. Cool the mixture
After the soap has dissolved, remove the pot from the heat and let the mixture cool to room temperature. This can take a few hours; for best results, you might want to let it sit overnight.
5. Whisk the mixture
The next day, the mixture will likely have thickened. Use a whisk to stir it well, ensuring the consistency is smooth. If it’s too thick, add a bit more water and whisk again until you reach the desired consistency.
6. Store the detergent
Once you’ve achieved a smooth consistency, pour the liquid detergent into your chosen containers. Be sure to label them clearly so everyone in the household knows what’s inside!
Usage Instructions:
1. General Cleaning
Use just as you would with store-bought liquid detergent. A little goes a long way!

2. Laundry

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