Buitenaards wezen verbijstert internet wanneer ze zich realiseren wat het werkelijk is…

A bizarre marine worm found in the icy waters near Antarctica attracts attention online—and it’s not hard to see why. This creature looks like a holiday ornament straight out of a horror movie.

Meanwhile it sparks debate thanks to crazy photos shared on social media, this unusual worm is a long-time resident of the Southern Ocean near Antarctica.

A Look at the Strange Predator

Measuring about 8 inches in length, Eulagisca gigantea has a distinctive “head” that is actually a retractable pharynx. The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History notes that this throat extension can reach up to 2 inches, allowing the worm to scavenge or prey on other marine creatures.

Deep-Sea Diversity

Polychaete worms are incredibly varied. Living in environments ranging from shallow coral reefs to extreme hydrothermal vents, these worms come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.

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